Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by cwja »

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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by theeradicaleclectic »

oh now thats mature^^^^

that last image was not a bad image but what is it and where did it come from and ... for christ sakes... do you have anything to say about it???

uh huh... yeah... well while you are looking for more images to drop in this thread and texting things like Mkay as if that means anything just keep in mind that i tried to speak to the issue of the this forum turning into a fanboy/fangirl droolfest ... keep in mind that this is a discussion forum
DeeBee wrote:
theeradicaleclectic wrote: i intentionally posted pictures relative to jacks interests that did not contain him to show how much more interesting subject matter can be than just staring googley eyed at images of jack ...

That's nice. But that's not what this thread is about.

But this topic is for pictures of Jack White. You know?


A nice photo by Ewen Spencer, probably from the GBMS tour in Latin America:

http://www.mojo4music.com/blog/the_whit ... -photo.jpg

this is that ^^^^^^

forget these?? [img] [img]

i dropped these off for ya because i noticed you were missing these up there in your image i guess the thread is just for dropping stuff off right??

i dont have a thing against ya DeeBee but the way i see it you really dont seem to be here for the 'more stimulating conversation' at this site ... maybe you are here to learn but being a smart ass with someone like me really gets you nowhere fast and likely people have already left this thread for good

i tried to bring something positive and redeeming to your google collection ... its a hard sell if its not video or engaging anything other than visuals

enjoy your thread with its intention... i am sure some people will happen along
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by Grimtale »

Damn, I was just trying to be a lurker on said thread...
However, something compels me to report that this thread looks/feels just like a LR discussion. Anyway to move this thread over there?
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by DeeBee »

Grimtale wrote:Damn, I was just trying to be a lurker on said thread...
However, something compels me to report that this thread looks/feels just like a LR discussion.
Anyway to move this thread over there?
The only thing that's making this thread a mess is the fact that trolls - like you - keep jumping in here posting off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail it all.

Why are you even lurking on a thread that you're not interested in?

You've already expressed your opinion of this picture thread, several times before:
Grimtale wrote:I rarely weigh in on such political topics but I personally would like to see this place stay focused on collecting topics.
LR already exist for all other things Jack such as pics and rumors.
Grimtale wrote:Hey, I don't own this place. I don't even work here...
I'm along for the ride like you. . . .
I was only stating my preference to see this place stay collector focused. . . .
Grimtale wrote: so what are we talking about here...
Not sure but what I do know is we aren't posting pics of jack...
troll at large..
Grimtale wrote:I was calling myself a troll.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
Now back to our normally scheduled programming... pics of jack and such
Do you imagine that we all need to be kept updated on your continuing lack of interest in this thread?
Why don't you just go to another topic, one that you are interested in?

As for whether this thread belongs on this forum, I think that was already settled:
higherlimits wrote: Just a quick point, there have been far worse threads around here and having a thread devoted to pictures of whatever isn't going to hurt anyone. I don't really see a problem with having this kind of thread around here, this forum has been driven by what the majority of people here want to talk about and it will continue to be like that, if there happen to be 1000 people who just want to talk about photos then they'll eventually take over I guess..

As for not being the purpose of the forum, there have been a few "veteren" posters who have left because this place has "changed" and they don't like what it's become. So while some of you are fighting to "keep the place as it is" you should remember that the forum has changed a bit over the last two years and there are other people who feel the same way about you as you feel about new people..

Now if y'all trolls are done with your little vandalism party, maybe we can get back to the purpose of this thread.

Last edited by DeeBee on Tue May 29, 2012 3:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by love_islander »

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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by Stl_ben »

Look through this thread it appears that the post on it are about 50/50:
50% - People complaining about such a dumb thread
50% - DeeBee posting pictures of Jack / defending the thread

So what I can conclude from that is the only person that wants this thread is DeeBee so she can keep posting photos of Jack....so,
DEEBEE just look a photos of Jack on your own time! No one cares about your photos that you found on google, or some stalkers blog, or some crappy artists web page....
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by hawke000 »

Dee is going to kick herself out of her own thread shes only interested in.

Google jack pictures and save them to your computer. If the internet goes down youll have a whole bunch!

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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by theeradicaleclectic »

i hope that she doesnt... i hope she stays here and makes this thread about the meat and potatoes that is jack white and his career

People care about lots of things... in this community they care about tangible things just a little more... technical things to a greater degree
its possible that people may come here and find an image they are looking for or possibly post something related to their collection but its really not likely... maybe this thread is just meant to be a photo gallery but after pages and pages of images what will the discussion be and how will they get sorted or even referenced?? what is the point of just piling up pictures of Jack White in a drawer? not sure i get it... but i am offering ideas

These images are what this thread will devolve to and do you know what the caption reads where i found them?
Image Image
which color shirt looks better?

Ultimately even an interesting gif such as this one might likely only get discussed for one or two posts and by only one or two people... the point is to make it a discussion and to share more details that relate to the tangible or the technical details in some way that collectors will find of value at this site... the point here is to improve the value of what you are doing in this thread for the sake of getting others to share interest in it rather than rag it

'Can you tell me about these keyboards?' or 'is this is an image from the canal show?' might be a good discussion for an image like this
or even 'Hey... does Jack always wrap his mike stands with tape or was this one broken?? I remember Conan bitching at his show about a broken stand..'

To pretend that this site is about anything else is to incur the bored and second rate commentary that goes on at this site by those of less integrity possibly... i dont mean this as any form of disrespect but its more of a sort of warning that is offered to remind you that the group here is not centered on any particular set of values that appeal to truly creative sorts of exchange in my opinion... there are good people here and there are people hwere who appreciate creative quality but its a limited bunch and they come here with money on their minds more often than they come here for aesthetics

my point is that they dont come here looking for pictures of Jack White or they would be reading blogs like this http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/jack-white-iii and thus i am trying to offer you something more to work with so that there is a chance for decent discussion in this thread

my apologies if none of this helps and you feel that i should go away and let you scrapbook in peace... but obviously discussion is why i stopped in :idea:
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by Stl_ben »

Did this just become the no punctuation thread (?)
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by DeeBee »

I like that gif above, thanks for posting it. Regarding the tumblr suggestion - yeah, there are some great photos at tumblr, especially ones that are not frequently found on a google search. But it's not as convenient to share them there; and many of the tumblr pages also have lots of other stuff going on, so it's hard with tumblr to have a single thread dedicated to just one topic.

Besides, it still seems to me that the best place to share a collection of images of Jack White is on a Jack White collectors' forum. Never yet has anyone satisfactorily explained why collecting photos and art work of Jack White should not count as "collecting."

There are various reasons why all the merchandise put out by Third Man Records has become such a hot item among collectors. The excellent music is one big reason, and the creative visual artistry is another. But surely another factor driving the TMR boom is the looming presence of Jack White as a cultural icon. If the mission undertaken by TMR had been started by someone without all the fame and acclaim and accolades that trail Jack White wherever he goes, then it would never had drawn the kind of attention it has received. Then it most likely it would have failed in short order, and all the collectors would be dumping their vault packages for around five bucks each. So never underestimate the power of the rock star icon in all this. And that's what the imagery - the photos and the art work - is all about, that's what it's celebrating. The rock star as cultural icon. So collecting that imagery is a pursuit that is very relevant to this forum that is dedicated to all things Jack White. Because without all that iconic imagery, this forum would not even exist.

So why has it been such a struggle to keep a thread going for Jack White pictures, on a Jack White forum?

The most likely reason why there are not too many people stopping by this thread to post pictures and comment on them is because of all the shit being dumped here by those who don't like this topic, for whatever reason - and who seem unwilling to do the most obvious thing, and simply go away and leave it alone. I know that if I got curious and stopped by for a quick look here, I would quickly be put off by all the bickering about whether or not the thread should even exist, and then I would go elsewhere. Even though, in principle, I would be interested in this thread if all the garbage were not being dumped here.

So it's a typical strategy used by forum trolls to put down topics or viewpoints that they don't like - keep on trashing a thread with their own garbage so that everyone else is driven away, and then sit back in smug satisfaction and claim "Look, there's nobody interested in this topic, the only people posting here are people who don't like it!" What the hell else do you expect to happen, when you use someone's topic for a garbage dump??

And, of course, the question that never gets answered is WHY - if you are not interested in some particular topic - why don't you just go away and find another topic that you are interested in??

Of course that question never gets answered, because few people want to honestly admit that they have nothing better to do than try to spoil somebody else's party.

Another reason why this thread is not getting more on-topic replies might be because it's a bit out of the way here where it is now, in the backwaters of the "White-related projects" section. It was started before there was a separate Jack White 'solo' section, which is probably where it belongs, and where it would probably get more relevant traffic. However, I would be reluctant to suggest moving it there as it is now, all cluttered up with the garbage left behind by the trolls. Maybe it should be cleaned up by a moderator, and then moved over there; or else just close this thread and start up a new one over in the Jack White section.

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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by Stl_ben »

DeeBee wrote:So why has it been such a struggle to keep a thread going for Jack White pictures, on a Jack White forum?
Good point...maybe take the point that there isn't enough interest here to keep it going.
DeeBee wrote:And, of course, the question that never gets answered is WHY - if you are not interested in some particular topic - why don't you just go away and find another topic that you are interested in??
Why not just go away? Because a lot of us that are on here often click the little button up top that says "view unread posts"
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by DeeBee »

Stl_ben wrote:
DeeBee wrote:So why has it been such a struggle to keep a thread going for Jack White pictures, on a Jack White forum?
Good point...maybe take the point that there isn't enough interest here to keep it going.
No, it's not a "good point." You're pretending as if I had not already provided my own answers to that question: It's partly because this thread is not in the right forum - it should be in the 'Jack White' section - and partly because trolls keep trashing up this thread with off-topic posts. (Like the one you made.)

Stl_ben wrote:
DeeBee wrote:And, of course, the question that never gets answered is WHY - if you are not interested in some particular topic - why don't you just go away and find another topic that you are interested in??
Why not just go away? Because a lot of us that are on here often click the little button up top that says "view unread posts"
No, that's not it. When you click on "view unread posts" it takes you to a list of new posts, sorted by topic. So you still have to click on this specific topic in order to view this thread. Why do you keep clicking on this topic if you're not interested in it? Are you perhaps having trouble remembering that you're not interested?

Both of your responses here are clearly disingenuous. But that's not unexpected from those whose only purpose is to ruin somebody else's thread.

Pretty Jack is not amused:
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by greginchains »

Train wreck of a thread, however, here is my contribution: a walk-by picture of him in the TMR lot.
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by Stl_ben »

DeeBee wrote:
Stl_ben wrote:
DeeBee wrote:So why has it been such a struggle to keep a thread going for Jack White pictures, on a Jack White forum?
Good point...maybe take the point that there isn't enough interest here to keep it going.
No, it's not a "good point." You're pretending as if I had not already provided my own answers to that question: It's partly because this thread is not in the right forum - it should be in the 'Jack White' section - and partly because trolls keep trashing up this thread with off-topic posts. (Like the one you made.)
It wouldn't matter what title this was under..the only person that cares about it is you and DeeBee. Maybe you 2 should just trade photos back and forth then everyone would be happy!

DeeBee wrote:
Stl_ben wrote:
DeeBee wrote:And, of course, the question that never gets answered is WHY - if you are not interested in some particular topic - why don't you just go away and find another topic that you are interested in??
Why not just go away? Because a lot of us that are on here often click the little button up top that says "view unread posts"
No, that's not it. When you click on "view unread posts" it takes you to a list of new posts, sorted by topic. So you still have to click on this specific topic in order to view this thread. Why do you keep clicking on this topic if you're not interested in it? Are you perhaps having trouble remembering that you're not interested?
If you don't click on it then it keeps popping up as a thread that I haven't read.
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Re: Jack White photos - find, share, whatever

Post by rsimms3 »

Playing air guitar.

"The chairs are too nice, the chandeliers are too beautiful, and the popcorn is too buttery." - Jack White
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