"Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

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Little Cream Soda
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"Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by DeeBee »

I wasn't sure whether or not to post a link to this list at the LA Weekly blog, just because it's so ridiculously stupid. But given that Jack White has just quoted this nitwit on his website, I figured people might be curious as to where the dumb quote came from. (Thanks to cmelo for giving us the heads-up in a different thread, about the quote appearing on jackwhiteiii.com.)

Here's the quote on JW's website (quote increased in size for readability):

Here's the article that it came from, with the relevant bits excerpted:

The Top 20 Whitest Musicians of All Time: The Complete List
By LA Weekly Fri., May 25 2012

"Considering that most all of today's popular music -- be it rock, pop, dance or rap -- sprang from genres pioneered by black musicians, being all Caucasian about your songs is to literally betray your roots. To qualify as one of our whitest musicians, then, requires more than a pasty complexion, it requires a near-total disregard for jazz, blues and soul or, even worse, a complete whitewashing of them. Without further ado, then, here are 20 performers who put the you-know-what in honky-tonk."
-Ben Westhoff

http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsoun ... me_com.php

#12. Jack White
"Even beyond his name, Jack White is about as white as they come, both literally (does he ever go out into the sun? Dude must have a Vitamin D deficiency) and when it comes to his music. His songs are often little more than de-fanged blues, lacking the passion and grizzled realness that makes the genre speak to so many people."
-Linda Leseman

http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsoun ... php?page=3
How very witty of her to make note of the man's complexion and his last name - and from those two pieces of oh-so-relevant information make assertions about his music that demonstrate her utter cluelessness with regard to whatever the hell she's talking about. :roll:

Add: And it wasn't just her comments that were offensive, but also the way the list was introduced:

"[It] requires more than a pasty complexion, it requires a near-total disregard for jazz, blues and soul or, even worse, a complete whitewashing of them." And: "being all Caucasian about your songs is to literally betray your roots."

Could anyone who is actually familiar with Jack White's music ever imagine that he has a "near-total disregard" for the blues? Or that he has been "completely whitewashing" them? He has "betrayed his roots" by "being all Caucasian" about his songs? What??

I think we all know that Jack White has been very vocal in paying homage to early black blues musicians from Son House to Blind Willie McTell, and everyone in between. The idea that anyone would accuse him of neglecting the roots of the blues tradition is just utterly ludicrous. Probably more than any other rock musician of his era, he has been the flag-bearer for honoring the past legacy of the blues and carrying it forward into the future.

So far, there are a number of complaints in the comments section on the dumb list; but most of them are complaining about the whole idea being 'racist' and malicious and etc. Not really any vocal defenses of Jack White and his devotion to the blues.
Last edited by DeeBee on Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by Obliquitous »

I wouldn't get too upset about idiots like this, even people who don't know Jack will probably sense some serious diarrhea of the mouth. I think Jack posting it to his site is hilarious :lol:
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by DeeBee »

(Moving this reply over here, from the thread on the jackwhiteiii.com website.)
Kali Durga wrote: An ignorant opinion is even less worthy of attention, much less fang baring.
Unless it's an influential ignorant opinion, which hers does not appear to be.
I agree, the main question is how much influence does she have; or rather, how much influence does the article have.

A google search returned about 16,000 hits on Linda Leseman; she describes herself as a free-lance music journalist and "social media manager." Some sites list her as based in New York, even though she's blogging for the LA Weekly; it looks like she's done a couple dozen articles for the paper. She's also written pieces here and there for news sources all over.

More relevant than the number of hits on her name is the fact that the LA Weekly is the biggest local guide to entertainment news in one of the biggest cities in America, and West Coast Sound is its regular online music blog. And the list of "The Top 20 Whitest Musicians" is currently near the top of their "most popular" articles.

The list of the "Top 20 Whitest Musicians" was introduced by Ben Westhoff, who describes himself as the LA Weekly's music editor.

He clearly should have known better than to include Jack White in that inane list, especially with Linda Leseman's idiotic and ill-informed remarks. Was it her opinion of Jack's music that influenced the editor to include him on the stupid list of white musicians that they're flogging for supposedly not respecting the black roots of the blues? Or did they just decide "Hey, he's got really pale skin and his last name is 'White' so we just gotta include him 'cause it will make us seem oh so clever!" - and then they got Leseman to invent some ludicrous reason for the inclusion? Either way, it was a stupid and shitty thing to do.

Granted that the online blogs probably don't get near the traffic or influence that the paper itself has, but it's still one of the first places online that people will turn to for what's happening all over Southern California. So the fact that the LA Weekly is associated with such a ridiculously stupid blog is some cause for concern. (Also, a previous edition of the LA Weekly blog's "Top 20" lists had listed The Raconteurs as one of the "Top 20 Worst Bands of All Time.") That's the kind of content that the main entertainment weekly in the main entertainment city in America is putting out?? Pretty dreadful. And the LA Weekly is indeed influential enough as the major entertainment paper in L.A. that it deserves to get taken to task for its miscreant music bloggers.

Ironically, the same music blog also had a good review of Jack White's recent show at the Wiltern, by Molly Bergen:
http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsoun ... 0_2012.php

It might be that Leseman is small potatoes, and that Westhoff is the one who really deserves to get slapped around, for making such a horrible error in judgment as to let her poison pen anywhere near his music blog. But her name was the one attached to the quote, so she deserves at least some of the blame. Here's her author page at the LA Weekly:


FWIW, Leseman's page at soundcloud is amusing: http://soundcloud.com/lindaleseman
(Is she actually an aspiring musician? She disses Jack White for supposedly not taking the blues seriously enough - not giving his music enough passion or 'realness' - and most of her sample files are pointless, soulless, randomly diddly-bopping, electronic techno/house dance type music. You could not find any passion or 'realness' in that if she were to hang large flashing neon signs pointing the way. Hilarious.)
Last edited by DeeBee on Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by love_islander »

^Alright already, settle down
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by DeeBee »

A different writer at the same LA Weekly music blog - West Coast Sound - offers yet another perplexing commentary on Jack White's music, this time in a piece about Jeff The Brotherhood:
"Jeff the Brotherhood and Hanni El Khatib seem to be taking the reigns from their garage-rock forebears Jack White and The Black Keys. The difference, it seems, is that the new generation has learned from the missteps of their elders, sticking to a formula that works rather than branching out in to gimmicky, overproduced territory, to the chagrin of a dedicated fanbase."
http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsoun ... 8_2012.php

Yep, 'cause everyone knows how much Jack White likes to "overproduce" his music - often spending entire days and sometimes even weeks in the recording studio when he could just bang it all out in an hour or two, right? And of course all that fancy "gimmickry" he uses in the studio to get that special sound - recording on old analog equipment instead of autotuning multiple digital tracks, and etc. No wonder his fans are so chagrined when he fails to stick to the same exact formula that he has always used before. Oh, no, wait - most of his fans actually love it when he explores new directions. Never mind. :roll:

The author might have noted that Jack White and Jeff The Brotherhood are good buddies, with a mutual appreciation for each other's music; but, no. Instead the writer has to pit them against each other, as if it's a contest to see who can take the reins from whom, and who's doing it right and who's doing it wrong. It must be the standard thing they're taught about writing music stories: never say anything nice about somebody without bashing somebody else in the process. What else could explain their steady stream of "Top 20 Worst This'n'That" lists?

(As a side note, news media should never, ever hire writers who don't understand or pay attention to the difference between words like "reins" and "reigns" or who can't be bothered to use them properly. Not to mention the prepositional mess of "branching out in to." But most all, they should hire writers who actually have the powers of perception to comprehend what they're writing about.)
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by love_islander »

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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by DeeBee »

love_islander wrote:^Alright already, settle down
So I'm the one who needs to relax? You're funny. :lol:

Nah, I realize these hack writers are not that important. It's only one small reflection of the ignorant spite and vacuous distraction that pervades mass media and the wasteland of popular culture today. Clearly not a big issue when there are other, bigger, more important and pressing things to worry about. (Such as, for example, just how many limited-edition posters got printed, or how long we had to wait for the last vault package, or what color the vinyl is, and whether the album sleeve had a slightly dented corner.)

Obliquitous wrote:I wouldn't get too upset about idiots like this, even people who don't know Jack will probably sense some serious diarrhea of the mouth. I think Jack posting it to his site is hilarious
I guess it's possible that he did that because he was amused; who knows. I'd like to think that, actually. But why is a major L.A. news outlet regularly spewing forth such idiocy these days? It seems like a question worth asking, at least.
Last edited by DeeBee on Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by Stl_ben »

DeeBee you sure like to see your self type on an on....
<Quizze> @STL_Ben youre a soulless consumer
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by elduderino »

i started laughing as soon as i saw pink floyd AND weird al yankovic, back to back, on that list. "hey, look at me! i'm an elitist hipster douchebag!"

i'm surprised the beastie boys didn't find their way onto the list...

[edit] = from same webite, top 20 worst bands ever. while i have no problem with numbers 1 and 2 - number 19 sticks out... http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsoun ... e_list.php some folks in LA really don't like Jack.
he is everything i hate...
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"Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by bh1644 »

Really? A lot shittier bands in this world than The Eagles!

Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by cmelo »

elduderino wrote:i started laughing as soon as i saw pink floyd AND weird al yankovic, back to back, on that list. "hey, look at me! i'm an elitist hipster douchebag!"

i'm surprised the beastie boys didn't find their way onto the list...

[edit] = from same webite, top 20 worst bands ever. while i have no problem with numbers 1 and 2 - number 19 sticks out... http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsoun ... e_list.php some folks in LA really don't like Jack.
Seems some chicks in particular really don't like Jack. And funny you'd mention hipster: Ms. Leseman also seems to run a blog called originalhipster.net. On said blog last year, offered to review/interview bands at sxsw for a "donation."
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Post by elduderino »

bh1644 wrote:Really? A lot shittier bands in this world than The Eagles!
name one.
he is everything i hate...
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Re: Re:

Post by Moller72 »

elduderino wrote:
bh1644 wrote:Really? A lot shittier bands in this world than The Eagles!
name one.
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by Kali Durga »

DeeBee wrote:
Obliquitous wrote:I wouldn't get too upset about idiots like this, even people who don't know Jack will probably sense some serious diarrhea of the mouth. I think Jack posting it to his site is hilarious
I guess it's possible that he did that because he was amused; who knows. I'd like to think that, actually. But why is a major L.A. news outlet regularly spewing forth such idiocy these days? It seems like a question worth asking, at least.
I have to agree with Obliqitous. Like the control-freak misogynist article recently, I find it highly unlikely that articles of this nature, no matter the media source, are likely to have much, if any, effect on Jack's popularity. His music speaks for itself, so getting up in arms about stuff like this is nothing but an academic debate. Which, of course, some folks enjoy.
"And the message is clear: if we want Jack White as our hero, he will entertain, but not pander. We have to accept all his flaws, whims, caprices and manias as a critical, sometimes uncomfortable, part of the contract."
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Re: "Whitest Musicians" list / LA Weekly blog

Post by theeradicaleclectic »

cmelo wrote:
elduderino wrote:i started laughing as soon as i saw pink floyd AND weird al yankovic, back to back, on that list. "hey, look at me! i'm an elitist hipster douchebag!"

i'm surprised the beastie boys didn't find their way onto the list...

[edit] = from same webite, top 20 worst bands ever. while i have no problem with numbers 1 and 2 - number 19 sticks out... http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsoun ... e_list.php some folks in LA really don't like Jack.
Seems some chicks in particular really don't like Jack. And funny you'd mention hipster: Ms. Leseman also seems to run a blog called originalhipster.net. On said blog last year, offered to review/interview bands at sxsw for a "donation."
honestly... playing the race card is not cool at all and even if there were some stigma associated with white people needing to 'know their place' when it comes to music being a 'black craft' for blacks only the fact remains that hate is whats on the agenda here... i say fuck off

same goes for anyone insinuating that i am or have anything to do with Dee Bee so all the fuckers who buy into any of this are full of shit
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