6. If you could design any poster

Gigposter and Merch Design
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6. If you could design any poster

Post by kevron6 »

6. If you could design any film poster(s) past or present, what would you choose and why?

I'm gonna say Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. Alot of times I run inspiring films in the background of my studio while I work. I think the idea is that some of that greatness will somehow rub off on me...heh. I don't know what kind of image I'd make for the poster but the fact that there's a number in the title leads to interesting solutions. Doing a poster for the original Star Wars would also be a dream. George, if you're reading this call me up ok?
I always said, if I had to fuck a guy... I mean had to, if my life depended on it... I'd fuck Elvis.
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