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20. UK vs. US

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:40 am
by 7th_son
20. Having lived in both the UK and the US, what are the best and worst things about each place?

Ben Swank: People in the UK are generally more rational and reasonable (ok, not the tabloids). You can get unbiased news, nudity and swearing on TV. There’s health care. The drinking age is lower… What I mean is they treat adults like adults and the whole society is not geared twords children. There’s more to it than that obviously, but you get the point… I missed a lot about America, it’s more relaxed, friendlier, all around cooler, but what I didn’t miss is this Glenn Beck prompted hysteria and gullibility of some (a lot?) American people. I could go on, but I’ll just get preachy and boring…